Codoon Inc. Apps

咕咚 7.16.1
Codoon Inc.
咕咚为运动爱好者提供专业运动跟踪记录、运动知识、跑步健身训练、马拉松及骑行赛事、运动装备优选等解决方案;独创智能神经算法,为跑友提供精确的运动轨迹追踪、专业的运动数据分析;咕咚让运动爱好者聚集到一起,咕咚让运动变得有趣!要运动,用咕咚!「运动激励」记录每一次进步,精 准的跑步骑行记录统计及运动数据分析,激励你变强;「达人社区」运动成果分享,跑步轨迹创作,明星大咖、网络红人...运动的路上不只有你;「赛事活动」国内外知名马拉松、骑行赛事任你报名,还送惊喜大礼;「运动百科」全新的精选页面,各种运动干货喂饱你,成为真正的跑者;「装备优选」运动这么专业的事儿,没装备怎么行?精英跑友推荐、官方精挑细选,品质有保证;「跑团活动」加入适合的跑团,跟随教练一起坚持运动,一起跑更好玩;「训练计划」专业教练设置课程,科学制定训练计划,总有适合你的运动强度;「红包换礼」运动可以领红包换礼品、奖励属于坚持不懈的你,还能提现哦;「视频直播」新增运动直播功能,不出门也能进入赛事活动现场;跟各路体育网红大咖混同一个运动圈;「等级称号」引入运动等级称号体系,衡量运动水准,见证未来运动达人的成长历程;更多功能:◉ 支持包括咕咚手环在内的全新智能配件;◉ 运动数据云端存储,步数、距离、卡路里、、速度和配速、以及GPS路线等, 并同步到 Apple「健康」应用;◉ 全程语音播报,沿途风景想拍就拍,外加群组竞赛PK模式;Plump provide sportsenthusiasts track record of professional sports, sports knowledge,running fitness training, marathon and cycling competitions, sportsequipment and other preferred solution; original intelligent neuralalgorithms to run the Friends provide precise trajectory tracking,professional sports data analysis; plump allow sports enthusiaststo come together, so that movement becomes plump interesting!      To exercise, with plump!"Sports Incentive" record every advance, fine quasi-running ridingrecords and motion data analysis, inspire you to becomestrong;"Daren Community" to share the results of sports, running trackcreation, star large coffee, sports road network Reds ... not onlyyou;"Sports events" famous marathon cycling race either you sign up,gave a surprise gift;"Sports Encyclopedia" new page selection, a variety of sports dryfeed you, become a real runner;"Preferably equipment" professional sports such thing, noequipment, how the line? Elite running friends recommendation,official carefully selected, quality assurance;"Run group activity" was added for running group, follow the coachto adhere to exercise together, run together more fun;"Training Scheme" professional coach curriculum, the scientificdevelopment of training programs, there is something for yourexercise intensity;"Red envelope for gift" campaign can receive a red envelope forgifts, awards belong to perseverance you can withdraw cashoh;"Live video" New features live sports, can not go out into thefield sports events; sports network with the brightest red moversconfuse a movement circle;"Grade title" introduced motion class title system, the standardmeasure of the movement, the movement of people coming to witnessthe growth process;More features:◉ support includes plump hand ring including a new smartaccessories;◉ motion data cloud storage, steps, distance, calories,, speed andpace, as well as GPS routes and sync to Apple "health"applications;◉ full voice broadcast, the scenery along the way want to make thefilm, plus a group contest PK mode;
Runtopia: GPS Tracker for Run, Walk, Fitness, Bike 3.6.8
Codoon Inc.
🔥Runtopia provides a motivational incentive to convert youractivity into Sports Coins:💰c, which can then be exchanged forawesome rewards:, such as Paypal cash prizes, gift cards, variousfitness gear and more! Whether you’re a beginner or marathon runneror even aiming to lose weight, Runtopia has the tools to achieveyour goals! 🎉Runtopia also offers a wide range of features to makeyour workout more efficient and keep motivated: : 1. Records allreal-time running data, including distance, pace, calories burnedand more. 2. Professional real-time audio guidance to make yourworkout more efficient. 3. Personalized training plans based onindividual needs; whether a run beginner, 5k runner, 10k runner,half marathon runner, marathon runner, or simply aiming to loseweight, you’ll find the suitable plan. 4. A social runningcommunity of millions of friends from all around the world tomotivate you along the way. Exchange your stories and get inspired.5. Running leaderboard; make running more fun and compete withfriends. 6. Lots of free products and offers available to beexchanged; Paypal cash prizes, gift cards, electronics and more tobe earned through your daily steps. 7. Fun fitness tasks to helpyou get Sports Coins faster. The more you exercise, the more coinsyou get. 8. Awesome medal system; every time you break a record orachievement, we will reward you. Make money from fitness:💰 Makemoney by completing running tasks and tracking your steps withSports Coin. Use it to buy the products you like: electronics,fitness gear, PayPal cash, gift cards and more. The more youexercise, the faster you’ll get your rewards. Motivating rewardsystem:🎁 We use Sports Coins to encourage everyone to move. Whetheryou like running or walking, you can get Sports Coins through stepsand completing different tasks every day. The more you exercise,the more your Sports Coins you’ll accumulate. Runtopia’s goal is toget everybody moving and to enjoy fitness. Get support from theactive run community:👍 The Runtopia community brings togetherrunners from hundreds of countries around the world, all with acommon interest: running and fitness. Share your experiences,encourage one another and make new friends. Whether you feel lonelyor lively, Runtopia will walk along with you. Comprehensive data ofsmart devices:📈 Improve your running performance with the RuntopiaX3 GPS Watch & track your distance, pace, speed, caloriesburned: all in real time. The app supports both Android and iOSdevices and has connectivity to other GPS devices, such as Garminand TomTom. Use the data analysis of your workouts to help youimprove and accomplish your goals. Challenge yourself to improve:💪Daily exercise tasks, themed online races and different runninglevels are rewarded to allow you to fully enjoy running andexercising. Different levels of online running events as availableto suit all runners, from 1KM to a full marathon! If your goal isto get a fit body, you can also choose our personalized trainingplans. 👉Runtopia is committed to get you running, enjoy the feelingof a workout & burning calories and to make you healthieroverall. We have incentivized fitness where you can make money fromworking out, to help you develop the habit of exercise and to enjoyexercise to the fullest. Ready to begin your journey? We’re waitingfor you at Runtopia! 💖💖💥 Terms and Privacy Policy: Website: Facebook: Support: